“When you live and approach business in alignment with your authenticity,

you experience true success and freedom.”

~ Libby Lee




Libby was invited to contribute her story and teachings to this milestone book, Beyond The Shift. It is an honour to bring these words to life and to share some wisdom smongst some of these talented authors. Libby’s chapter “Reconnect With Your Inner Compass” explains the practical steps we can take to re-align with our own true north ~ your authenticity.

May you know at a cellular level—every single moment—that you belong.

Twelve incredible authors, who care deeply about your well-being and the well-being of our planet, wrote this book for you. Their stories matter to our future well-being and give people a deeper understanding of why, where and how we will achieve, transform and transition into a new way of being.

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Libby Lee

Libby is a visionary on a mission to empower people to align with their authenticity, find clarity in their mission, and radiate their light into the world.  Her profound insights into the spiritual and personal development world have led her to understand the crucial role that authenticity plays in one's journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

More About Libby >

  • Strategy Session

    These half day, 1 on 1 sessions are all about creating your unique strategy for your mission that sets your soul on fire!

  • Home Blessing

    Feel even more connected to the heart of your home. Clear away any old or stagnant energy and flood the space with loving light.

  • Authentic Alignment

    These bespoke sessions involve a blend of many modalities to assist you in coming back into alignment with your true authentic self.

Client Love.

  • ~ Leanne ~ Central Coast, NSW

    We were having some very strange (and sometimes scary) things happening in our house. I had tried many things without success.

    Libby was able to come in, clear it out and bless our home to really connect my family to our space.

    Since her visit my family feels so much more calm and love in our home and I'm so grateful.

  • ~ Nick ~ NSW

    My life changed the day I met Libby, as she has been the most significant guiding light on my journey to self awareness, healing, growth and spiritual enlightenment.

    Libby made me feel so incredibly comfortable and safe while guiding me through the most challenging and vulnerable times of my life. Her ability to tune in and understand what’s happening in my body on an energetic level has allowed me to heal my physical body at inhuman rates.

    She truly is remarkable at what she does.

  • ~ Kate ~ QLD

    Working with Libby during the half-day strategy session was transformative for my healing business. Her insightful guidance helped me crystalize my ideas and craft a powerful signature offer that truly resonates with my clients.

    Libby’s expertise and support have been invaluable, and I'm already seeing positive results. I highly recommend Libby’s services to anyone seeking strategic clarity and growth in their business.